Center for Advanced Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.

Cataract Surgery

What is Cataract ?

Looking for the best option for Cataract Surgery in Mumbai ? Lets 1st understand what is cataract? Cataract is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens. Cataract is one of the most common cause of vision loss in people above 50 years of age and a main cause for blindness in the world. By age 60, more than half of all Indian patients have either developed a cataract or have had cataract surgery. A cataract may occur in one or both eyes. It can not spread from one eye to the other.

The lens inside the eye is like a camera lens, focusing light unto the retina for clear vision. It adjusts the eye’s focus allowing us to view things clearly, both close and far away. The human eye lens is mostly made of water and protein. This protein is arranged in a precise way to allow light to pass through it adequately. But as we age, some of the protein may clump together and this starts to cloud a small area of the lens. This is known as cataract. Over a period of time, it may grow larger and cloud the lens, making it harder to see.

At Mehta Eye Clinic, we have been treating Cataract patients successfully for decades. We offer one of the most advanced technology LenSx for painless Cataract surgery in India.

Cataract Surgery in Mumbai @ Mehta Eye Clinic. Why ?

Why Mehta Eye Clinic for Cataract


  • The devices and disposables used here are US FDA approved
  • Use of high end consumables
  • World best and scientifically proven intraocular lenses (IOLS)
  • High end phacoemulsifiers called Infinity with OZIL technology, the topmost technology with advanced safety features from Alcon, USA
  • Zeiss VISU 220 Microscope


  • Single use devices
  • Strict aseptic precautions
  • Daily sterilization of OT
  • Weekly evaluation
  • Extensive pre operative evaluation of the eye allows for safer surgery
  • Team of doctors looking after every aspects of the patients need


  • Two more standby phaco machines
  • Vitreo-retinal surgeon and team of various other specialities all available under one roof


  • No stitch
  • No patch
  • No injection
  • No dark glasses
  • Faster recovery and return to most of the normal activities within a day
  • Return home within ½ an hour of the procedure

What is the treatment? How is it performed ?

Cataract Surgery in Mumbai
Procedure of Cataract Surgery at Mehta Eye Clinic

A complete and detailed preoperative evaluation (Preop workup) is done before the cataract surgery. This is usually done couple of days prior to surgery.

Medical Checkup: Complete physical examination for diabetes, blood pressure, heart problems or other systemic conditions is done. Apart from this, you will undergo several other tests prior to your surgery

IOL Master: It takes measurements that provide the power (dioptre) of the intraocular lens to be implanted

Corneal Topography: It gives an estimate about the size, shape and power of the cornea (astigmatism)

Specular Microscopy: It gives inference about the health of the cornea and function of the cells lining the cornea

It includes examination of the posterior segment of the eye i.e. the macula, the optic nerve, retina and vitreous


A cataract is the clouding of the lens in your eye which causes blurred or hazy vision. Ageing is one of the most common cause for cataracts other reason may be eye injuries [Trauma] disease and long term medication of some drugs

Light from an object is broken up as it passes through a cloudy, discoloured lens, causing the image to be blurred and dull.

An early sign is increasing glare from strong sunlight or bright lights at night. This may become quite bothersome and you may notice halos around different light sources such as car headlights. Colours that are normally bright and vibrant, may appear faded and washed out-especially greens and blues. And most noticeably, your vision will become blurred and hazy, making it difficult to read small print or perform other tasks. If you experience some or all of these symptoms it is time for you to visit an ophthalmologist

Surgery is the only treatment. This involves the removal of the clouded lens and its replacement with a synthetic clear intraocular lens (IOL).The IOL is permanent and provides natural peripheral vision and good depth perception. Ophthalmologist is currently embracing surgical procedures that are done through smaller incisions. This surgical technique is called as phacoemulsification or phaco surgery

Faster visual recovery (quicker healing),less trauma to the eye, better vision, quicker return to normal activity, Better control of surgically induced astigmatism- No distorted images

Depending upon the vision or sometimes type of cataract. If vision is low and can go within few days and if the cataract is matured then will have to get the surgery done. Your surgeons will advice you on that. Patients with low vision are more prone to accidents both inside and outside the house.

In the most of the cases 70-80% of vision is gained on the next day n the remaining is covered with the eye drops. The vision will be bright and pretty much clear the day after surgery. Full vision will be restored gradually in a few days time. Objects may appear excessively bright & blue in colour for some days. All these complaints are temporary.

It includes lens measurement, total surgery charges n the follow up till 1 month

Surgery would take around 15-20 min n u can go home immediately After the surgery

No head bath for 2 days, do not touch n rub n splash water on your eyes for 2 days Don’t go near to the cooling gas for 2 days. No Need for bed rest after surgery. One can walk, eat normally, watch TV and be normal around home on the day of the surgery. One needs some protective white glasses only when outdoors. Dark glasses are not required.

There is no problem in travelling even on the day after the surgery. Any amount of travel is absolutely fine provided one remembers to apply the eye drops. Timings will be given for the application of the eye drops, but an hour this way or that does not cause any problem.

To get more information on whether Cataract is suitable for you, click here to book an appointment.